Here we’re learning the solo for the classic instrumental song, Samba Pa Ti by Carlos Santana. We’ll review the latin rhythm to help put the solo into context but the focus is on playing the solo. It’s a beautiful, slow melody using lots of great techniques. Ideal for beginners but it moves towards intermediate levels as it progresses.
This session looks at the solo of Carlos Sanatana’s classic instrumental song Samba Pa Ti (translated as ‘Samba for You’). It has slow, easy-on-the-ear melody over a simple and repetitive chord progression with a latin groove. It uses a wealth of soloing techniques which we’ll explore in depth.
The song was suggested by one of Guitar Weekends’ community. Always send through ideas/suggestions and we’ll try to slot them in. The song is in the guitar-friendly key of G major using the major and pentatonic scales.
We’ll review the rhythm guitar part but the session is focused on the iconic solo and the techniques used with such smooth effect: hammer-ons/pull-offs, slides, string bending, vibrato and trills.
It’s always best to attend live rather than just buying the materials. The ‘course gems’ are often in the actual teaching rather than the PDFs – this is why attending is so important so that we can go off on a tangent if it’s essential in explaining or demonstrating the subject at hand.
But the option for Materials-Only is there for those occasions when you simpy just can’t make it.
High beginner to intermediate players. Even players who are relatively new to the guitar will get some great ideas and approaches from the sessions.
The session is approx. 60 minutes long; don’t expect to master everything during the session. The tutor will go through all the key parts, demonstrating them and discussing the associated techniques and know-how.
The real work is done by you afterwards. Armed with the materials (PDFs, backing tracks and video recording), you’ll have all the tools to work on things at your own pace.
When you book you’ll have two options:
1. You want to join this live Zoom session.
You’ll receive the joining instructions on the day. Being live, you’ll be able to put your own questions directly to the tutor during the session. Choose option 1, This live lesson and materials.
2. Maybe you’d like to attend but can’t make it on this occasion?
You can buy the materials and receive them after the session (i.e. lesson PDF(s) and access to a Zoom recording of the live session). Choose option 2, Materials only. We often provide bonus materials for live attendance-only.