This is all about flat-picking the guitar i.e. using a plectrum. Master the best ways to achieve a variety of picking approaches and develop your dexterity, accuracy and overall note quality. This is an invaluable technique to master for any type of guitar and for both the rhythm player and lead/soloist.
This course is about mastering how to flat-pick i.e. picking out notes with a plectrum. This is usually associated with bluegrass or folk on acoustic guitar but it also covers soloing and lead on electric.
Holding the plectrum is a sort of mix of science and art. The best approaches, do and don’ts will be assessed but it’s more about whatever is most comfortable for the player.
With pick held properly, and in a relaxed fashion, we’ll explore a multitude of techniques covering a wide variety of aspects: articulations, solo techniques, angle of the plectrum, palm muting when playing the shuffle/etc., alternate picking, string skipping, arpeggiating chords and even hybrid picking (and lots more). It’s a corre technique which spans most genres and styles.
Alternating picking is at the centre of it all and we’ll look at downstrokes and upstrokes in detail. Not sure if sweep picking will be considered – we only have an hour!
You’ll get a ton of exercises for home practice which will build correct technique and improve your dexterity, timing, accuracy and achieving a clean sound.
High beginner to intermediate acoustic and electric guitar players who already flatpick.
Beginners will gain a lot from the session – it’s a fundamental technique.
These sessions are layered to allow different player levels to learn and play along at the same time. Whatever level you are at, you’ll have lots of takeaways to work on later.
You’ll receive any lesson PDF(s) just before the session and we’ll make a Zoom recording of the live lesson available to you afterwards.
The session is 60 minutes long; don’t expect to master everything during the session. The tutor will go through all the key parts, demonstrating them and discussing the associated techniques and know-how.
The real work is done by you afterwards. Armed with the materials (PDFs and video recording), you’ll have all the tools to work on things at your own pace.
When you book you’ll have two options:
1. You want to join the live Zoom session.
You’ll receive the joining instructions on the day. Being live, you’ll be able to put your own questions directly to the tutor during the session. Choose option 1, Lesson and materials.
2. Maybe you’d like to attend but can’t make it on this occasion?
You can buy the materials and receive them after the session (i.e. lesson PDF(s) and access to a Zoom recording of the live session). Choose option 2, Materials only.