Nuggets Mini Series #1

This mini series for the guitar consists of  four sessions over consecutive weeks.

Each session is essentially independent but there will be a flow to the sessions. Each session will look at some of the most important aspects of music and playing guitar. This session focuses on RHYTHM. If you haven’t got rhythm, everything else falls apart. It’s amazing what feel and rhythm bring to a song – pitch almost becomes irrelevant (well, not quite).

You can purchase just this session or ALL sessions for approx 17% discount.

What we’ll be covering

This series looks at fundamentals for playing great guitar. This series will be focusing on:

  • Rhythm
  • Fingerpicking
  • Chords
  • Strumming

All of the above subjects are both wide and deep.

In this session we’re looking at the ‘nuggets’ of RHYTHM. Being able to read rhythm and understand it, feel it and be able stay in time is amazing. Rhythm make different genres. We look at the essentials.

Each session will focus on a specific facets which are core to the subject and go into the detail of the techniques know-how that underpin them. We’ll delve into practical exercises for honing the techniques and improving the understanding and application of knowledge.

The aim is for these exercises to find their way into your daily practice routines. Find out what pros regularly practise and value.

It’s always best to attend live rather than just buying the materials.

This mini-course of 4 sessions is a sequential series, so you will get much more out of it by committing to all 4 sessions (recommended and it has a discounted price).

As usual, the session comes with support PDFs as well as Zoom recording of the live session.



  • Lesson PDF.
  • Any backing tracks used will also be made available.
  • A Zoom recording of the complete live session.


Who’s this session suitable for?

Beginner to intermediate players. Even players who are relatively new to the guitar will get some great ideas and approaches from the sessions.


Home practice

The session is 60 minutes long; don’t expect to master everything during the session. The tutor will go through all the key parts, demonstrating them and discussing the associated techniques and know-how.

The real work is done by you afterwards. Armed with the materials (PDFs, backing tracks and video  recording), you’ll have all the tools to work on things at your own pace.


Online: Live Attendance v ‘Just Materials’?

It’s always best to attend live. Obviously there are certain occasions when players just can’t make it live – this is where our ‘just the materials‘ option comes into its own. BUT we much prefer players to be online with us.  WHY?

Live keeps the whole thing real.

With a live group present, the tutor is not just following a script and sticking to prescribed subject matter. During a live course, the tutor’s alternative explanations, off-the-cuff little gems and general commentary are where the magic and insights lie.

Your actual presence means you’re able to quiz, prod and ultimately shape the lesson to be of real practical value to everyone. You can ask your own question(s) there and then! We’ve found over the years that if someone gets stumped early on in a course their interest can just drop (even worse if you’re just catching up using the video recording). If you’re thinking a specific question you’ll not be alone; it’s always best to ask.

Live means a more dynamic and interesting course.

You can tweak proceedings in real time, remove that misundertanding or mental block, slow down a particular section and go into more detail, ask for something to be explained in a different way, encourage the tutor to discuss peripheral but essential issues, home in on bad habits and seek practical exercises to fix them, get an answer to an aspect of ‘theory’ that’s troubling you, etc. If you’re not there then this is less likely to happen.


Booking a place and buying options

When you book you’ll have two options:

1. You want to join this live Zoom session.

You’ll receive the joining instructions on the day. Being live, you’ll be able to put your own questions directly to the tutor during the session. Choose option 1, This live lesson and materials.

2. Maybe you’d like to attend but can’t make it on this occasion?

You can buy the materials and receive them after the session (i.e. lesson PDF(s) and access to a Zoom recording of the live session). Choose option 2, Materials only.

3. Buy all four sessions up-front for a discount of approx 17% (RECOMMENDED)

As with option 1, you’ll receive the joining instructions on the day.

Full Course Overview

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    Full Fee
    1. Live attendance and materials for this session
    2. Materials only for this session - can't attend
    3. All four sessions (discounted)

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